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Geoff Lawton - Take a sweeping 20-minute tour of our 66-acre Zaytuna Farm property. Throughout, I explain specific features of the farm, how these things came together, and why the farm was designed as you see it. If some terms aren’t familiar, we have included a detailed explanation below and to learn, even more, check out my Permaculture Masterclass series, 

Compost Toilets - Doug and Stacy have 6 years of experience so they are relatively new but have learned a great deal.  Their composting toilet system seems to work really well.  Fun short video that shows how easy it can be.

Richard Perkins talks very honestly about permaculture and larger agriculture production farming vs smaller projects.  He is extremely well spoken and his experience is gold.  His farm is in Sweden with cooler temperatures than Florida where I am which is very interesting to note some key differences.  He also uses cattle, goats and chickens very effectively.  Brilliant pioneer. 

We're Running Out Of Time | This in-depth documentary explores Allan Savory and how he has used Holistic Management to completely transform his land in Zimbabwe. This is the most inspirational message on saving our planet that I have perhaps every seen.  I'm all in to participate as soon as possible and in every way I can.  The science is in ... and this is it.

Green Gregs - 5 Key things you must know to raise worms. How to raise worms so that they thrive and stay alive. How to avoid the common mistake most people make that kills their worms. Basic worm physiology (what's a worm). How to provide worm bins, worm farms, and many manners of worm containers, How to provide and maintain proper bedding for worms to live in. How to manage pests. How to feed and water worms. And most importantly, how not to kill your worms! to buy

Tour of Green Leaf Worm Farm - Hosted by Owner Sean Moore . Sean takes us through the Green Leaf Worm farm facility and explains some key points on Vermicomposting.

I knew Sean when he did the Sarasota Farmer's Market as his business was just starting off.  I hope to visit his worm farm over the weeks ahead as worms and composting is an important and immediate starting point.

Cover Your Garden With Hay And This Will Happen

The amazing results of simply mulching your garden with hay or straw may surprise you.

7 Ways to Feed Your Garden For Free

Originally recorded for last year's Home Grown Food Summit hosted by Marjory Wildcraft, this is the entire presentation of David The Good's film "7 Ways to Feed Your Garden for Free." Super easy composting, using manure and which manures to avoid, composting with chickens, using seaweed in the garden, making biochar, chop and drop plants, nitrogen fixers, using urine as fertilizer - you'll learn a ton and have fun along the way.

Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid when Harvesting Rain Water Harvesting rain water doesn't have to be expensive or difficult. You can make rain barrels, create hot tub ponds, buy a cistern or dig a pond or a swale. There are some mistakes I made when harvesting rainwater on my old homestead, though, and I don't want you to struggle with the same issues. Get rid of mosquitoes in ponds, get rid of algae, learn to harvest rainwater on the cheap and find out how much rainwater a roof can collect.

Best Size Garden Bed, Here's Why

We have struggled for many years to find the perfect size garden bed. We think we have found it.

Building Rich Soil

Host Annette Shrader and gardener Tom Anderson talk hugelkultur, trench composting and vermiculture during a tour of Tom's vegetable garden and permaculture area. Lots of good gardening tips are part of the conversation too.

Layered worm bin 8-week time-lapse - FAST PLAYBACK - vermicomposting

At the end of the 8th week the lightbulb that had been providing the primary illumination burned out. This was a sign telling me it was time to end the experiment. I need the GoPro anyway because I leave on vacation out-West tomorrow! :D Approx timing of various actions: Day COMMENTS 0 Start of time-lapse 1 Added worms 6 Added ice chips 12 Added cucumber 13 Added lettuce 16 Added cucumber 18 Added ice chips 20 Added new top layers: coco coir, coffee, garden compost, etc 27 Added ice chips 28 Added MORE WORMS 29 Added mixed food 34 Added new top layers: coco coir, tomato & broccoli stems 37 Added snowballs 41 Added frozen garden compost -- then, chunks of snow 47 Added crushed leaves 48 Added ice 51 Added asparagus & crushed leaves 55 FINISH

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