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Task Status'


Planted first beds! (Completed)

Planted Ginger from Peru, 3 other local varieties, marigolds, garlic for insect and varmint control., as well as 6 varieties of turmeric....

Burn/Charcoal (Completed)

Cleared 3 huge piles of brush, burned and made great charcoal for compost. Ready for CHIPDUMP hopefully this week! Produced perfect...

Various Composting Begins (ongoing)

Click Here to See More! Starting small layered composting bin using a developed technique on site to shred dead leaves using screen,...


Laying down bale hay (straw) at first grow sites 3/15/19 - David 3/15/19 - Completed prep of first herb bed for Ginger, Garlic and Turmeric.

Labyrinth Garden (COMPLETED)

3/15/19: Measure and feasibility chat. Determined Labyrinth Garden was not feasible at this time. Postponed for future consideration.

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